Expectations of students about the quality of education

In the course of educating ( somebody ) we cannot forget that the process has two sides: while educating, we do not narrow it down to passing on knowledge, but we also shape one’s personality. Unfortunately, this fact is so often forgotten by those who educate professionally and are responsible for the process. The quality of education must be, therefore, assessed through the prism of both parts of the notion “to educate” (somebody), and the idea of quality must take into account the multiple effects of education.

The notion “to educate oneself” (a reflexive verb) is connected with another notion: - self-education. The Dictionary of the Polish Language provides the following definition:
• “to be educated, developed, perfected (His artistic taste has been shaped on two models)”;
• “obtains education: where? ( at university, in music school), what in? (in law, in dance), in what field? (to become a doctor, an engineer, etc.)"

At the same time, both the professor and the student are influenced by the environment as well as their own inner experiences, which may produce a significant impact on the quality and effectiveness of education. The process of education is, therefore, a complex interaction between humans, where both the master and his disciple get educated by each other .Educating (somebody, as well as self-educating) comes down to a process of social communication between those who take part in it and which becomes a subject to quality assessment. The effects of this process are a direct consequence of the quality of communication, which takes place in the process of education, that is of the quality of education under discussion.

Full title: Expectations of students of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and Cracow University of Economics about the quality of education

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