Major factors determining the quality of management in universities in times of globalization, integration and shortage economy

Management and managerial concept, shaping the quality of management, is based on scientific management and the art of management. According to Z. Martyniak, "Domains of the latter are goals and decisions. Establishing goals and making decisions, despite there being many supportive methods and techniques, is still more a field of art than learning.”[1] Practice proves that this art must be based on a good foundation of management knowledge, and then its resources have to be constantly developed and updated. With that in mind, it can be argued that the quality of management exercised by particular managers is the consequence of their knowledge acquired by performing specific managerial functions and personal predispositions - talent, including management intuition, necessary to make the right decisions. Managerial talent and possible favourable events (coincidences) can significantly influence the quality of the decision. Therefore, it is important to be able to anticipate the various variants of market requirements, on the one hand, and to be able to adapt to those requirements, under conditions of continuous changes. There is no doubt that it will be necessary to continually improve the quality of work of both the manager and the managed, and the high quality of products as measured by the level of fulfilment of customer expectations. With the above in mind, it should be stated that the quality management paradigm is very significant. It is extremely complex, but, applied in the decision-making process, it has a positive impact on the benefits of all stakeholders in the service delivery process. Proper consideration of the quality paradigm in management is a sine qua non prerequisite for organizational development and the key to its success, as well as improving the lie quality of the management and the managed.


[1] Z. Martyniak, Ciągłość i zmiana w teorii i praktyce zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, [w:] Nowe kierunki w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem – ciągłość i zmiana, praca zbiorowa pod red. naukową H. Jagoda, J. Lichtarski, Wyd. Akademii Ekonomicznej, Wrocław 2000, p. 363-364.